Saturday, December 28, 2013


res·o·lu·tion (rz-lshn)
1. The state or quality of being resolute; firm determination.
2. A resolving to do something.
3. A course of action determined or decided on. *Definition copied from

Every year people conjure up a list of a few things to many many things that they want to change or do in the coming year. I would believe most include a desire to eat healthier and to exercise more with the ultimate goal to lose weight. Keep the house clean, I imagine frequently makes the list as does travel more, read more, etc. etc. At least, these have all been on my list in the years past. - they still are but I need a plan going into them, to hold me accountable.

But anyways, here is my list - ordered as they have come to mind.

2014 New Year's Resolutions

-finish a tube of chapstick (I lose them so fast)
-complete a 5k in under 25min
-take the time to be more organized
-read 1 book a month
-learn to control water color
-fully enjoy doing things by myself and for myself
-do a hand stand
-gain physical flexibility

Have you started thinking about yours?

Much Love,

Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas Letter.

To my beloved friends and family,

I have decided to do my annual Christmas letter on my blog this year - while it may seem less than personal, I apologize. What a year! I can't even believe 2014 is ebbing closer and closer, it's not creeping it's sprinting towards us - are you ready?! I am but let's recap the highlights of 2013 just for kicks and giggles.

I guess the biggest changes in my life this year were moving to Alaska (Soldotna) in June, which the beginning months of the year were spent praying and planning this move. This has been one of the best decisions I have made as an adult. I found my dream job, unexpectedly. I remember having a conversation with my dad after being interviewed rather convinced that I was going to turn down this position out of fear of not being able to cope and handle the cases I oversee, it was "too professional" and "I didn't have the experience or qualifications" but behold! it's everything I have wanted: working with children and families who are at risk of neglect and abuse in the school setting. I was able to mark off my bucket list: Catch a fish!!! a rather large milestone is that December 5th marked 6 months of living in Alaska, and I couldn't be happier!! It's actually gone so fast.

More recent new is that it's cold here in Alaska but gorgeous. I find myself wishing for the extreme negative temperatures as those are the clearest of days with a blue sky and best time to view the mountains (of course to enjoy this, one must wait until 10:30 for the sun to appear.) The dark doesn't bother me too much, I wake up most days around 5:30 to be to work by 7:30am which this always involves a stop at the coffee shop - for my choice of beverage.

This weekend, if the weather cooperates will involve me, coffee, and my camera. Selfies may occur - Moose mug shots may as well. I know. I know. I have promised pictures for the last few posts but seriously guys. I want/need to take pictures of the view here and what winter in Alaska is really like!

From my winter wonderland to yours,
Much Love,

P.S. I hear I will be bringing in the New Year with a game of Fire Ball :D

Saturday, December 14, 2013

15 things: random tidbits of my life

You know you're from Montana when you see color combos of silver and maroon or blue and gold and automatically think UM and MSU.

I try to live by the rule: "don't knock it till you try it" particularly in regards to food.

You know basketball runs thick in your blood when a p.e. teacher isn't doing it right and you have to force yourself to not step in. (But I did anyway).

The relationship between myself and stairs is a battle, up, down, walking, running, using the railing or not - I lose.

You know you're from Montana when you think "I can handle an Alaskan winter in the bare minimums" all the while having winter gear in the car for safety and just in case. (I caved on this one).

Elementary schools were not built with adults in mind - in any fashion. Case in point: the door handles at any entrance hits me at my knee or just above.

I dread the morning I spill my coffee from slipping on the ice in the 5 feet it takes to walk from the coffee shop to my Jeep. (This is a ticking time bomb)

I live in a town where people are shocked that at the age of 24 I have not been married at least once, nor have I had children.

While I complain about the cold and winter driving, every time it snows...the excitement of snow floating from the sky is undeniable like the butterflies of a first date.

Every time I try to leave my bank I never open the door right, even though I coach myself from the car to the teller about the door and also seemingly forget to read the sign on the door instructing me to "push".

I pick my wine based on the uniqueness of the label.

Americano with coconut is like a Hawaiian sunrise every morning, my favorite. Try it!

Alaskans stop at the sight of a caribou heard like tourists in Yellowstone.

November 2013 will forever be the only month I completed No Shave November.... I let my armpits be unkempt. It was gross.

Pringles MUST be consumed in stacks of no less than 5 at a time in one bite or mouthful. The pickle flavor is also delicious.

Day by day, I don't see much change in who I am, however, I am not the same person I was 6 months ago. I like that.