Tuesday, March 3, 2015


hey friends. I am wondering how many of you are familiar with the organization: To Write Love On Her Arms (TWLOHA). The reason I ask is that the month of March is when this organization was launched in 2006. It's purpose is to "present hope for people struggling with addiction, depression, self-injury and thoughts of suicide while also investing directly into treatment and recovery."

These subjects are hard to speak out about, especially self-harm and suicide. They are ugly truths and realities for people dealing with hurt and pain and sometimes injustice they have experienced. I can't speak for the reasons why these are the avenues used to cope or express themselves with, all I know is that it's very real and sometimes very well hidden.

I myself have walked along side a friend who, for her own reasons took a steak knife to her wrist. My heart was wrought with questions rooted in not understanding and fear but rather than building a wall of defense in self-protection and instead of simply turning my head in the direction of turning a blind eye or indifference, I engaged in the battle of trying to rescue, help, encourage her to seek a healthier way to process. Since these events of high school, I have heard many stories of other young ladies who have familiarized themselves with this manner. I'm not glorifying them. I'm not patronizing them. I'm speaking out to the realities of the brokenness in us all.


I can't help but think about how my Savior would engage. I don't see him running the other way, in fact, I see him going straight to the thick of it. I understand that not everyone is purposed and geared towards helping in an manner that is "hands on" and I understand too that not everyone views issues such as these with as much empathy as others. But my heart is moved for the broken hearted. My heart aches for those who think they have no other option to express, cope or process life than to harm themselves with foreign objects, with substances, food, whatever it may be.


TWLOHA is putting on a 5k walk/run to raise awareness and support for those struggling and fighting. This event is special in that while it is taking place in Florida, the rest of the United States, and possibly world has the opportunity to participate "virtually" where they are at, in their own communities. so if you are moved to investigate more about this organization: GREAT! if you are motivated to participate in this event: GREAT! if you are motivated to pass this up but get more active with a different organization fighting for a cause: that's GREAT too!

please visit: follow the events link to find the 5k being held on April 18th.

as always....Much Love,

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