Sunday, March 30, 2014

Backpacking in the Backcountry

"Rachel, you seem like you are an outdoor kind of girl." - Laura remarked.

"well, I am but I just didn't have many opportunities to do this kind of stuff

I came to realize how much my heart doesn't match my head for a lot of things in life. A prime example would be the backpacking trip I took over the weekend. There was a Facebook chat open with us 4 adventurers, talking about who is bringing what and they (notice I didn't say "we") were listing things off: "I've got dinner" "breakfast and cooking equipment" "I'm bringing cookies and cards and TP" I said, "I'm so glad you all have it figured out" at this point I wasn't sure what I had gotten myself into. Hiking, with a backpack on a bad foot?

oh yea, my foot. Let's back up to the beginning of the week. I went running Sunday and Monday with the hopes of getting semi in shape for the Beat Beethoven 5k in a few weeks in Fairbanks but during which I somehow did something to injure myself (and everyone shakes their head in pitiful sorrow and shame for my incredible ability to inflict accidental self harm.) Anyways, the pain in quite intense that walking has been made difficult for a week now. Yes, I went to the Dr. and what a waste of time and money!! No suggestions of care except - "don't run. and when you do run, take it easy." My flippant response, "No Shhhhht Sherlock."

Now let's flash forward to Friday, at work hobbling around, slightly stressing because, during my lunch break I go to the store for "lunch" but also to pick up sunglasses,water bottle, and protein bars. I get off the clock at 3:30, have a 10 minute drive home which along the way, I have to make a stop at the bestie's house to get her gear so that I have gear to go on this trip. I get packed and start thinking, "hmmmm, am I going to be warm enough? what exactly should I be taking? I feel like I wont be sharing the load with the others as I'm not bringing anything to share for the good of the group." Laura comes. She, Steph and I pile in my recently "cleaned" car. ahem* yes, so we pick up Val and are on our way. An hour later and we are at the parking lot strapping up and getting ready to go.

*snap* group selfie!! :) in order L to R: This writer, Laura, Steph and Val

And we were off, 4 miles to go! I used Nike+ on my phone to track our progress and instantly we were accompanied by Faure Op. 16. (I disagree that this piece is appropriate for running to, however, a lovely walk in the woods added to the ambiance.)

The trail was flat and hidden with snow and ice, so the ice cleats came in handy, especially when they were worn correctly. We came to a split in the Trail: summer or winter. Let's go winter! Straight through a swamp, marshland the perfect dwelling for Moose. The end of the trail was a lake. Frozen aside from where the river was running into it. The debate started, do we turn back or cross? On we went, crossing the lake with a "wabump" sound in the distance. It was a little eerie but it was the ice forming and shifting. Laura booked it across, leaving us behind. We shouted for her to have the fire going and dinner ready but that went unheard.

We made it to Barber cabin, 4 miles in 2 hours. Time to unload, eat and get warm. We were in bed by 10pm trying to get warm. I fell asleep first. Predictable. Breakfast soon came as did the realization of how sore we would all be for the rest of the weekend. We said farewell to the cozy cabin and started the hike out which we encountered the remains of an avalanche covering the trail.

At last we found ourselves back at the Jeep and all too excited to be sitting for the next hour on the drive back home.

Bears: None
Moose: None
Other Wildlife: None
People: Enough

The next trip sounds like it could be a sea kayak trip across the cove in Homer, AK. :)

So why doesn't my head match my heart? Because, my heart loves and longs for the outdoors and these adventures but my head has no knowledge of how to pack, or what gear is needed. I only own cotton, and tennis shoes.

But anyways, This chick is signing off to take a snooze before the work week begins again.
Much Love,

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