Saturday, March 1, 2014

Making Connections

I have flown enough to know the dynamics of uncomfortably sitting centimeters away from another person, if you are lucky enough to get the window or aisle seat otherwise you are sandwiched. Your options; engage in conversation with this stranger or plug in the tunes, fall asleep or pretend you can't hear or speak English. I tend for the latter. Give me my tunes, my beats, and my zzz's. But today was different, I engaged and from it came stories and laughter and a connection with another human being. We laughed until the other snorted, we shared experiences and knowledge and trivial things, there was empathy and encouragement and praise and education. There was a sense of vulnerability in it for me, as I tend to keep people at a safe distance, especially strangers. Today was good though, it was growth. It was me being socially assertive (in part due to lack of sleep.) It was revealed to me a sense of insecurity I have in myself as the gentleman pointed out I covered my face in my hands or shirt every time I laughed and smiled. He pointed it out with a gentle concern.

I'm appreciative of this time.

On another note!! I'm in the snowy 406!!! And its about 45 to 50 degrees colder here than it is in Alaska. And here I was thinking it was "spring break" well played Montana, well played.

So freaking excited to see and hang out with my friends and family!!!!

Much Love!

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