Friday, September 20, 2013

Scaredy Cat

I think I live in a state of constant fear, or maybe it's a state of constant anticipation of being scared.

People too easily have the advantage over me to frighten me and receive the pleasure of watching me jump, scream, and laugh from my foolishness until I cry.

This happened last night.

The power was out. Chad, Steph and I were sitting around the kitchen table, (our faces illuminated by a camping lantern) chatting when ratt tat tat on the front window. I jump...and probably scream - we all laugh when the neighbor Craig walks in. Through the window he saw me, we laughed harder. When he leaves I very wisely lock the sliding glass door behind me (anticipating his attempt to do it again, but from behind - at this point I'm smiling smugly, thinking I'm ahead in the game) but nope! The door didn't cooperate, Craig slid it open, I jumped and bellowed a great cry.

There is no winning for me.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Fire season

To most of my friends this title means summer is approaching, the heat is coming and the risk of forest fires will spoil some of the enjoyment of camping. But in Alaska, fire season is a time where, wood is chopped, split and stored until it is ready to be burned in the wood furnace.

Boil me up a cup of tea or my grandmas hot coco and soon ill be singing "baby its cold outside"

The reason for this post is that Fairbanks supposedly is under a winter storm watch.

This is where my "thick Montana winter skin" is tested.

Much Love -Rachel

Thursday, September 12, 2013

What I would say, what I would do.

It is not my intention or my design to burden you with the details of every bad day my line of work presents, due to legal constraints but also a personal desire to hold myself in a posture of class.

In college there was a lot of stress [<- HA! (you will get the funny later :D)] on self-care. Self-care for those who may not know “refers to actions and attitudes which contribute to the maintenance of well-being and personal health” it’s really important for success at any job, but more specifically in jobs of high stress [did ya get it??] How do I leave it all at work and not bring it home with me? This is something that I was actually pretty nervous about, because ever since I can remember, my heart broke easily for those who are in need. Sometimes the sorrow I felt would bring me to tears, other times….I would be enraged. I won’t deny the pain I feel in my heart for my kiddos and the bitter anger at the situations they have witnessed and endured, but leaving it at work is almost easy. I think being saturated in it for a solid 8 hours at a time makes it easy to wipe my hands clean at 4pm and walk away to recharge to go at it again. It’s a blessing that it’s easy. I don’t feel guilty that it’s easy, but should I? On the days that the 15 minute drive home isn’t enough to find the calm after the storm – I do self-care. Self-care looks different day to day. Sometimes a hug from my favorite kiddos at home is just what the cardiologist calls for. Yesterday, it started with writing, and then it proceeded with a long walk plugged into my iPod and my camera taking note of the little things. Take a moment with me, to look at the intricate, and the beauty. Much Love, Rachel

Sunday, September 8, 2013

nighty night

Sleep and I have always been at odds. Ever since I can remember I have always felt a sense of exhaustion lingering, beckoning me to take long naps at hours that only perpetuate the irregularity of my sleep patterns. I don't know what sleeping through the night looks like, because I always am finding myself checking the clock on my phone at least once during the night. I have tried the sleepy time tea - drinking 5 cups in one sitting and to no avail. I have tried Tylenol PM and other helpful sleeping aids - and nothing, actually if anything I am more awake. My iron levels and thyroid are cleared with a clean bill of health yet the desire to sleep presses on - until this weekend....

My friend Stephanie introduced me to essential oils about a year ago and after telling her about my fatigue she did some research and had me try some snake poison as some of our friends call it here. She briefed me on a potential blockage in my adrenal glands and instructed me to rub Clove and Rosemary over my kidneys and adrenal glands and what do ya know - I woke up the next morning feeling awake, with mental clarity, ready to take on the day.

I have also, begun drinking a gallon of water a day to help flush out the toxicity in my body. And while I still feel tired I have actually had the energy to do things other than give into the desire to slump into a heap on the couch, bed, floor - wherever and pass out.

Anyways, just thought this was rather cool and wanted to share. If you are interested in essential oils email me at or call me - I would love to share with you my experiences. :)

Much Love,

Rule #31

Soldotna to Homer, AK is 75 miles, taking you over an hour to travel at 55mph, or if you are like this Montana girl, you push 60 and then catch yourself at 75. Rehbein lead-foot syndrome??

I hit the road at noon to meet my friend LeAnna in Homer, a little tourist fishing town centering around the spit.

Along the way to and from there were a few obscure sights that I just had to pull over and capture. So, please enjoy.

Oh - and Rule #31's legitimate to check your back seat....SKETCH!!

Much Love,