Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The cold, dark truth.

The title is a little misleading I suppose. I don't intend on disclosing my deepest secrets or anything, it refers more to the 10 hours of day light in which the sun doesn't peak much over the height of the tree line, so driving at noon causes the strobe light effect which in a nuisance. The air holds a crispness to it, that while it's sunny and what I would consider warm(ish) there is still a bite in the air that reminds me to grab a jacket and soon my mittens.

The mountains, are gorgeously blanketed in snow, the grass still clings to it's shades of green in desperation, the trees barren of their leaves (except for the evergreens)and when it's clear skies, the sun is shining....all of these sights create a spectacular view. My plan is to, this weekend, grab a lovely cup of delicious hot coffee and maybe splurge on a sugary treat and drive.

For now, here are some images of the autumn foliage.

I want to leave you all with some beautiful words a dear friend and someone I hold in high regards to said to me recently. "The weather is turning colder, leaves are becoming gold, and the beautiful flowers are bending under the weight of the frosty air. We are slowly adjusting to the fact that winter is making strides our way and there is nothing we can do to hold it back. I guess that's how life is. It just keeps coming. So, we run the race with it, not with false starts or hesitations, but with direction, boldness, and vigor. We have a reason for living, don't we. And I sense you are getting a feeling that you are just where God wants you to be."

Much Love,


  1. Sweet post Alaska girl! I really enjoy reading about your adventures. You moved up there by yourself, are working and sustaining yourself. Its as easy as that! Granted, my parents live here, but I did the same thing as you. Packing up and moving to a completely new place to make new friends etc. You blog reminds me of my first post "The Grass is Greener out West" . If you don't mind I'd like to post my link if that's ok ;) You're welcome to do the same on my site! I removed my last comment because I forgot the .com! Just so ya know :)

  2. Thanks for the kind words Montana Trout Fishing!! It was kinda scary taking that leap but I am so glad that I did. :)

    I appreciate your faithfulness as a reader!
