Sunday, October 6, 2013

Falling into Winter

I'm not ready. I'm not ready for the snow. I'm not ready for the darkness. I'm not ready for the cold.

Luckily as of today, there has been no sight of the white powder in these parts, except for the distant mountains. Up North, however, they had 5 inches or so last weekend. What I get to enjoy for now is the golden array of the trees as they change color and end their time in one last dance, gliding and cutting through the air as the wind leads.

There really isn't fall in Montana, that I can remember, but maybe that's because I wasn't surrounded by the masses of trees stretching to the sky like in the Alaskan wilderness. It's really quite something.

For the last week and a half I have been living in Sterling (10 miles from Soldotna, house sitting for some friends that I have acquired through my Alaskan family. It's been so nice to leave the house 5 minutes before clocking in for work every morning. :) That will be something I will surely miss in the coming months as the days get darker, colder, snowier and icy; but for now, it's a real treat! Due do house sitting, I am currently the proud "owner" if you will of 3 ducks, 3 cats, 2 dogs and a rabbit. I am much more a dog person than a whole farm girl. Being by myself in the middle of nowhere is pretty lonely and scary when one is afraid of the dark. I mean, I love me some solitude but this constant?? NO THANK YOU!

I'm not sure of any new news to share with you - my job is changing a little. I will be doing the same thing, however, I will be splitting my time between two schools as my current case load at my "home base" is dismal and there are some schools needing 2 Care Coordinators because they have an abundance of clients needing services. I am happy to help wherever needed.

Stay warm friends and family.
Much Love. Rachel.

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