Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Check It: Reality

I was facilitating a group last week regarding the topic of Aretha Franklin's ever popular song R.E.S.P.E.C.T.  and was quite frustrated by the end of it all. No sign of active listening skills (you know: quiet mouth, eyes on the speaker, listening ears). A few days later in the flow of natural conversation I was reminded that not everyone is raised with the standards and expectations my parents instilled in my brothers and I. Some kids are handed the disservice of not being taught kindness, how to share and get along with others and other social skills that I certainly take as common knowledge and for granted as if we are all born with them. So how can I hold such a high standard for my kiddos if they don't have a foundation from which those standards are built? One step forward, two steps back.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Sunday, November 10, 2013

it has finally come.

it's snowing, it's snowing, it's snowing!!!!

oh my goodness, I was just attacked by a mob of children attempting to tickle my feet, little devils they were! as I sprinted to get my boots and make a run for it - but they knocked me down and ran off with my boots. it's all fun in games for a while, but then....then it gets maddening.

but back to the snow. due to the tsunami in the Philippines a warm front came with downpour rain all day and then around 5pm it turned into a glorious cascade of flake after intricate flake of snow falling gently to the earth's floor.

I have been ready for this for weeks!!

well, I best be getting ready for bed. I will post beautiful pictures tomorrow!!

Much Love,


My thoughts are racing, colliding and ricocheting around. I fumble for words to exit my mouth in fluid, understandable flow. Nothing. I might as well be mute. Water fills my eyes brimming. Release.

If I post this, my parents will call and text beckoning for peace of mind over my well-being and not rest until they are assured. So to them, keep reading.

I realized today, again that my job isn't easy. That the goal is a grueling up hill climb and victory may not be seen in my time with these kiddos. I cannot carry them or drag them along. I can't walk ahead and wait for them to catch up and most often they won't be waiting for me to catch up to them. Rather, we trudge side by side, hand in hand, finding our footing every day...sometimes every hour or minute of everyday. Always prepared for backslide.

I'm thankful though.

I'm thankful for my job. It challenges me to go out of my comfort zone, to push myself to persevere despite the battle, to find the small victories in the day (like today, I actually had a professional sounding conversation on the phone where I was confident).  

I'm not really sure how to end this. My first paragraph is the condition of my heart this evening but I'm happy and content at the very same time, I suppose this is called peace.

Much Love,

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Adjustment Bureau

With the time change this weekend everything is out of wack! My clock at work still says its an hour later than what it really should read, my internal alarm clock woke me up bright and early this morning at 5am (I actually leisurely got ready this morning - it was kinda nice.) The hardest part though was realizing that the sun at 6pm has already disappeared beyond the horizon beckoning me to my bed and then I realize....4 more hours.

So to keep myself awake I am crocheting a blanket, watching movies, spending time with family and friends.

I think Alaskan's live two life styles: one of insomnia in the summer and in the winter people hibernate.

Adjusting seems to be the key here, adjusting to the weather (seems to be a slow process this year....still no sign of winter other than all the mountains in the far distance have a lovely white blanket on them), adjusting to the amount of day light, adjusting to schedule changes and working for a business that actually promotes you take sick leave, so here I am in bed - trying to figure out how to relax and rest on a day that has a long list of things that need to get done.

Anyways, it's 7:20....I should try to get on with my day it seems. By the way: it's still pitch black out :)

Much Love,