Saturday, August 24, 2013

500 days of summer....and 22 days of rain

HOLY COW!!! it's August 24th already - how....? when....? Time has certainly escaped me. So what exactly have I been up to....

well, I went to a birthday party that was pretty rad, the funnest party I have ever been to. 11 people gathered around a table full of food, laughing, talking, mowing down on homemade tortillas stuffed with taco fixin's. I don't know what it was about the atmosphere but it was wonderful. The ability to be loud and crazy was welcomed and encouraged and fulfilled by all.

then there is the Snyder family, my home away from home. I get picked on, a lot, by 4 of my most favorite kids ever to walk this planet :) I love this little family.

Work is going well. Successfully completed the first week of school! Yippee :) I don't know how teachers do it! The patience. The ability to track the activity of 18+ students at any given moment in time. It's almost a spectator sport for me - although it drains me to see all the energy in those kiddos and the energy the teacher has to keep up with all of that. As for my kiddos, my case load is quite odd and always changing - so needing to adapt and almost having a prior knowledge to anticipate those changes is crazy!

August has been mostly rainy here - and when I say mostly rainy...I mean I can count on one hand how many days I have seen the sun and clear skies....being 2, two days...that's it. And I don't even care :D I hope that the sun these few days dries the ground a bit though so running on trails and dirt roads isn't so giving.

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