Monday, August 26, 2013

Captain Cook

After all the rain this month, I am glad this weekend was Sunny AND warm add company and BAM! cookout at the Beach :) :) :)

The fam and the in-laws and myself and a fellow camp counselor packed up the cars and hit the road essentially for an hour to take in the evening at the beach, gazing upon miles and miles and miles of the open seas with a back drop of snow capped mountains. Jordan and I exchanged words regarding the reasons behind the user fee. I stated, it's nature - I shouldn't have to pay to see nature. Jordan's rebuttal: yea, but where else can you find the ocean AND mountains that are covered in snow IN AUGUST.

FOOD DEVOURED: 4 bags of potato chips, grilled red peppers and zucchini, hot dogs and sausages, and GRILLED CHEESE!!

Games played: tackle football one on one style. EPIC.

Here are some pictures for you Sir. Enjoy!!
Much Love,

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