Tuesday, August 20, 2013

coming into my own

all last week was spent in lectures and various other training activities to give me all the information to help make me successful, however, it felt more like being bombarded with terminology, acronyms and...well, pretty much everything went over my head. today was the first day of school, one of my employees is gone on vacation meaning there was a lack of support in one of the classrooms. i stepped in to make sure that the student and class and teacher would all have a positive and fun first day. the day wasn't hard, in any dynamic but i am exhausted. the need to amp up my immune system is pressing. :)

it clicked today that while i have questions on how to handle situations and circumstances and procedures, i can't allow people to talk about them or solve them for me - i need to step up and do it myself, it is the only way i will learn. which for me is quite empowering to be assertive and a problem solver and asking questions all things that i typically struggle with. being a wallflower has always been my forte in my opinion but i am turning over a new leaf.

day 2 tomorrow!!

much love,

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