Thursday, July 4, 2013

Independence Day Festivities

July 4th, often celebrated with BBQ, yard games, carnivals and of course a wonderful display of colorful TNT lighting up the sky.

I have been asked a few times what happens on the 4th of July in Alaska, and well – it’s the same, except for the BOOM BOOM POW CRACKLE SNAP POP of fireworks.  There are no trailers at street corners selling the loot, actually the only thing I could find even close to this would be a display in Fred Meyer with the Pop-Its and sparklers and other kiddy “fireworks”

In fact, fireworks are completely illegal in Alaska – unless being set off in the ocean. I’m not joking. I’m actually rather bitter about it, but I suppose that I will have to further embrace my inner child and subject myself to the pop-its and sparklers and the like. Enjoy the explosion of color my friends!

Being at camp however, does mean that we will host a carnival fit with face paint, pony rides, fluffed flavored sugar (cotton candy), kettle corn, music, waterfront fun and other carnival-ish games. Don't forget the wonderful food!! The Kitchen gang will be slaving over stoves and cutting boards to prep many salads, desserts, hamburgers, franks and just overall NOMS. :)

Happy Birthday ‘Merica.

Much Love,

P.S. Thanks to Amy Gazy - I have been reminded that I will not be kept awake or rudely awoken by the noise of the fireworks on nights leading up to or directly following July 4th. :)

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