Thursday, July 11, 2013


I hated swim lessons as a child. I didn't like dipping or dunking myself at the pools edge, I didn't enjoy putting my face in the water. I have this one memory of being in Polson at the little beach park they have there by the lake and being swept away into the deeper waters and freaking out. That being said. I love the water. I love love love rain storms, splashing in puddles, dipping my toes into the icy ocean, swimming in the lake here at camp and so so much more! My new love for water comes in the form of sport. Fishing. I didn't grow up fishing, actually my fist time fishing was at my going away party where Mike taught me how to use a fishing pole. I have since been fishing 2 other times here in Alaska and I'm "hooked" - pun intended :)

Most recently, as in last night - I went to the Kenai River here in town and tried for Red Salmon. This is the first time that I have ever gotten a bite and while trying to set the hook and fight the fish I was being coached "TIP UP" - I don't really know what this means, and the fish honestly took me by surprise. He thrashed out of the water, took one look at me and knew I had no clue what I was doing and with that snapped my line clear to the reel.

George had told me that when we got bites or brought a fish in that we had to jump around and create a scene so that the rednecks and hillbillies would come to our spot for his and Melissa's people watching enjoyment. So, he didn't have to tell me twice because I was so pumped to have just experienced all that and was anxiously awaiting for my line to retied that I was jumping and screaming and laughing and crying and well - Melissa's picture captured it all. From that point on, I really had no desire to leave the river.

I'm itching to get back out there. Maybe this weekend!

Much Love,

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