Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Jasmine Penny

Jasmine Penny also known as P*Jazz was in my family for about 2 hours today. She is an 8 month old Dorkie - Dachshund Yorkie mix who was found on camp this afternoon by one of the LTs (Leader in Training) who goes by Stick (his given name is Matt) He originally named her "Pedra" which as you all know is the female derivative of Pedro. Real Original.... Anyways, Jasmine Penny was a cuddler, she would literally cling to your arm as you were trying to sooth her trembling little self. Okay, so this is how I got a hold of her.

I was chilling on the boating dock, eating some soy dream when my friend said something about there being a puppy that was found in the woods and was being held by some of the girl staff near the swimming docks - so off I ran, ice cream in one hand - cell phone in the other hobbling down the trail on my sprained ankle. Love knows no pain! :) I reach the dock and the puppy and snatch her out of the arms of Jordan and decide that the puppy needed water - so I took her to the dining hall and got a bowl of water. I then called Melissa and she IMMEDIATELY came over fell in love as well. We decide to go to Petco and yes, we purchased a collar with a pink flower on it (it was a cat collar because she is so small necked/it also fits perfectly around my wrist), a leash, some food and a dog bone. A little over kill I know but that actually isn't the worst of it.....we bought her a dog tag too. :) What can I say, I was attached. And forever, we will always be able to look back and say: "Melissa, remember that time you were an aunt"

Well, anyways....the one picture I post on Facebook was equivalent to a milk carton ad because a friend called me within 5 or 10 minutes and said they owner has been notified and is coming to get Jasmine.

I was crushed. I was devastated. I'm still a little sad.

And here is the story of how Jasmine made it to camp and into my heart (rendition mine). Her owner heard a noise one night and opened the door to his house and saw 3 bears in his yard. Jasmine (probably wanting to be a great and ferocious protector) dashed out the door under the legs of the beasts. One of the bears deciding Jasmine would make a tasty snack started chasing her and the owner grabbed his gun and started to shoot the ground to deter them (I'm sorry - if there was anything trying to harm my four legged friend - I would go for the kill shot. So, running literally for her life - Jasmine found her way to Solid Rock Bible Camp - we know that she was out on her own for at least a few days.

That is all. Think of it as you wish.

Much Love,

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