Sunday, June 30, 2013
Lakeside is the main camp. It's the largest camp with 14 cabins, the main office, chapel, game room, lodge (guest/short term staff housing) which is located above the dining hall. Then there is the prayer chapel, MASSIVE ROCK "Solid Rock", frolf course, water front (equipped with the blob, rope swings, canoes/kayaks, and speed boats). The ball field has volleyball courts and an obstacle course. There is a climbing wall and a rifle range. And in the winter there is a HUGE sledding hill that, as the rumor goes, shoots you out into the middle of the frozen lake.
All year round various activities occur at lakeside. Obviously summer camp during the months of June, July and August. Then there is fall retreat, winter retreat and rental groups come to use the facility to host meetings, get-a-ways and the like (Bozeman Lodge CNAs.....hint hint hint GET CAROL TO BRING YOU HERE ;])
What can I say....when you live in the wild - expect to see wildlife. Apparently, a grizzly bear and her 2 cubs were roaming around camp this morning, and I missed it! But here are some photos from around Lakeside! Enjoy :)
Saturday, June 29, 2013
You've Got Mail
Why I bring this up is because I GOT MAIL today :) 2 letters from a Mr. Mark, former co-worker of mine and I publicly wanted to thank him because those letters came at a wonderful time. This week has been rather rough on me sleep wise which I have allowed to affect my attitude. However, being Hockey's a tough week as is. Hockey players have a rather gruesome demeanor and well, when you bully 12-13 year old girls who are kindly serving you meals....yes, you will have to deal with me and I wont be kind about it. But Mark's words were encouraging and helped me to refocus my attitude towards my purpose.
Getting mail is SO fun and I highly encourage you all to send me letters, for the heck of, I'll send you one back!! :)
Much Love,
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Ketchup Burger
Interesting tidbit for the evening. Lightening is really uncommon in Alaska to the point where one of the 18 year old counselors has only ever seen it once in her life and her excitement that there was a little lightening tonight was really amazing to me as it's something I am so accustomed to. I told her about some of the crazy storms I have been in and opening my curtains at night when the thunder wakes me to watch the storm light up the sky.
Not sure what else to talk about, I got my AK driver's license, car insurance but nothing else too exciting. Hope you are all doing well. Much Love, Rachel.
Friday, June 21, 2013
i'm writing this post because i want to be real with you all, so that you don't think that Alaska is some sort of paradise that is all happy all the time. so, if you would please pray that my heart will heal from this ache for a hug from my friends and family...because i miss you all.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
They've made me feel like a prisoner
They've made me feel set free
They've made me feel like a criminal
Made me feel like a king
They've lifted my heart
To places I'd never been
And they've dragged me down
Back to where I began
Words can build you up
Words can break you down
Start a fire in your heart or
Put it out
Lyrics from Hawk Nelson.
the depth of truth these lyrics hold in my life is crazy. i resonate with each and every line, words that have parted my lips, words that have made it to my ears from the mouths of others. many of you know that my speech isn't clean, that i am known to drop vulgarity now and then, but at camp - it's not a part of me. i'm not shying away from those words because of the environment, it's as if the environment has wiped those words out of my vocabulary. i'm not around people who take the Lord's name in vain. i don't hear the f*bomb frequently being shoved into sentences that are grammatically correct without their presence. a dam is a structure. shit isn't used, even to describe poop. and can i say it is incredibly refreshing to be away from the toxicity of it all.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Prayer requests:
~I'm starting to get a cold, with the scratchy throat, dry cough, runny nose.
~That I will be a light to the staff and campers this summer as a cook.
~Employment this fall.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Hakuna Matata
Anyways, a part of camp life I am finding is that you gotta roll with the flow. Which means, if a group of 20 people stroll into your building at 4:30am walking and talking as if it were 4:30 in the afternoon (because the sun deceives you so and because they just flew in from the lower 48) waking you up for the day, roll with it. When you are preparing lunch from left overs and aren't sure if there is enough chicken for everyone....add it to the left over rice, and buttered peas and vwaula! (<- I think I just made up a word :D) Soup. Also for lunch today, scalloped potatoes, peas/carrots, cheesy broccoli, spaghetti. YAY for leftover lunch day!!!
The entire Peninsula is supposedly out of DEET, and mosquito dope so that should be fun for the remaining season until more stuff comes in. Time to suck it up and put these hands to use! I smashed one on my window the other night and verbally declared to the others out there that it was their warning of their doom upon entering my room.
The kitchen is a blast, I really enjoy being on my feet and moving around rather than being stuck at a desk job all day. My body is beginning to grow accustom to the physical demands of kitchen work. If you ever want a great dieting strategy, work in a mass production kitchen...the pounds upon pounds of food made for each meal is sure to make your appetite no longer exist. A part from the cheesy broccoli from earlier this week, my portions have been rather grim.
I washed my Jeep upon my arrival to camp which I found to be virtually useless as camp is submerged in beat up dirt least my jeep (formerly referred to as Cheryl, now known as Rainbow) is a beautiful shade of dusty the dirt doesn't show too much.
that's all for now I guess,
Much Love...Rachel
Friday, June 14, 2013
Random TidBits
Breathe. Take in the aroma of the salty sea and the thick smoke that chokes you.
Touch. Feel the glacial breeze that seeps into your bones and the warmth of the fire as it blows past you.
Sound. Listen to embers crackling in the fire below, the whir of waves crashing to shore and rustling of foliage.
Sight. Look at the reflection of the setting sun.
Taste. Enjoy the sweetness of peace, serenity of being by a vast ocean, while sitting atop countless grains of sand.
It has become habit that before bed each night and prior to nap time that I spend at least 5 minutes if not more scoping out the ceiling and walls for mosquitoes that lay in wait. Plotting my game plan, I then turn on my fight song (theme song soon to come) and war breaks out. Some of them anticipate my attack and flea their place of “hiding”, others charge me yet I find victory in being able to sleep the night through peacefully, until 3am when I am awoken by the shrill sound of wings beating together… begins again.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Today it Begins: Camp
Ever since I can remember there has been a special place in my heart for these kids. I cringe at the terminology associated with disabled individuals and I often, trying to be politically correct, fumble my words when speaking about this subject. Even now, I feel I am being offensive so I apologize if the words on this page are taken in offense. In elementary school there was a girl in my class that would come for certain subjects throughout the day but would spend the majority of her time in the Special Ed classroom. I don’t remember how it worked itself out but I remember that during recess and maybe free time in the classroom, I was allowed to go into the Special Ed class and work with this student in her life skills development, and play with her and the awesome toys in the room. I don’t tell you this to boast but to share a piece of me, who I am, and the things that I deeply care about. In college I took a few courses on Exceptional Children, and one of those classes was a lab where I was paired up with a rare gem. Non-verbal, nearly blind, cognitively 18 months old in the body of a 5 year old, I would sit in her preschool class and we would play, we would laugh. We would work on activities of daily living that to you and I come as second nature, it’s automatic for us to lift the spoon to our mouths.
Here comes the rage. It makes me angry that anyone should think less of people whose daily struggles are in many ways much more obvious than the trials we face in secret. They feel. They dream. They love. It wasn’t that long ago that babies who were born with noticeable abnormalities were left in the woods, locked in dark cellars or killed to keep them out of society. Then when it was socially unacceptable to do that, we institutionalized them. Society has since come a long way, yes, but we have so much further to go in our acceptance of differentness.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Alaska State Bird

Weekends of Wonder
Weekends at camp consist of breakfast, left overs and sack meals. Recreationally, staff trips to town, hikes, time on the lake and tourist trips are planned. Today is one of those days. The staff went on a hike and I, well went on a hike too but with the kitchen people. Hiking in Alaska means a few things: bring lots of water because if you are as out of shape as I am, water is your best friend. Regardless of weather, bring a jacket! The glacial winds will sneak up on you. Artillery is most important as Grizzlies are always a possibility, to the point of high probability. If you have a license, bring your rod or pole if you will be by a river or pond, opportunity is knocking at your door. DON'T FORGET THE DEET! Camera, and snacks optional but very encouraged.
So anyways, I'm about as clumsy as I am easily frightened and on this glorious 70 degree day hike, upon reaching the lake my good friend Melissa and I decided to cross the dam to venture towards the mini jetty. I tested a log for its stability to bare my weight and when it didn't, my attempt to compensate was lacking causing me to slip on the soft muddy soil beneath my "anchor" into the water and the rest of me ate it. And Melissa was ready on queue to capture the picture of me being down for the count.
Much Love.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Thirsty Thursday!!
Much Love, Rachel
