Saturday, June 29, 2013

You've Got Mail

Singing is huge at camp - and I'm not just talking about worship songs and silly camp songs during chapel time. I'm talking "happy birthday" "Get your elbows off the table" and mail call songs. So thankful that as a kitchen person, I am exempt from the duty of singing in order to have my mail released to me. Here's the scene. Monday through Friday before evening chapel is a special time titled "mail call." If you receive 1 letter - Group, 2 letters - Group, 3+ letters - Solo, Package - Solo....Group songs are decided and performed as a group of all who meet those qualifications. Some people like to sing silly camp songs, others the ABC's, twinkle twinkly, and still other's reach for the stars and bust out some contemporary pop tune.

Why I bring this up is because I GOT MAIL today :) 2 letters from a Mr. Mark, former co-worker of mine and I publicly wanted to thank him because those letters came at a wonderful time. This week has been rather rough on me sleep wise which I have allowed to affect my attitude. However, being Hockey's a tough week as is. Hockey players have a rather gruesome demeanor and well, when you bully 12-13 year old girls who are kindly serving you meals....yes, you will have to deal with me and I wont be kind about it. But Mark's words were encouraging and helped me to refocus my attitude towards my purpose.

Getting mail is SO fun and I highly encourage you all to send me letters, for the heck of, I'll send you one back!! :)

Much Love,

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