Sunday, June 2, 2013

Driving: Day 2

The road again was straight and long today and rumored to be covered with frost heaves which are dents or bumps in the road from ice over the winter. Look it up if you want a more scientific explanation! Anyways, dad drove the majority of the way from Edmonton to Fort Nelson. As such, I was left with ample time to day dream, and mentally write this blog, which as of now - I can't remember a thing. It rained most of the day, on and off which is more of a random tidbit that I am adding in because of my love for the weather! As you can see from these photos the trees were thick for hundreds and hundreds of miles, which got me thinking and feeling rather insignificant. I am one person, standing at 6' surrounded by countless trees hovering over me. and I think: why am I important? Why I am here? What is my purpose? I always enjoy feeling little, it's a good ego check. There is security in it. When standing next to my brother's or anyone who is taller than I, there is a sense of protection that I feel. Anyways, so I mentioned this to my dad and asked him if he feels insignificant surrounded by the mass of trees and his response was "no, I feel very significant - I'm a child of God" to which I completely agree with. So contemplating all of this reminded me of Psalm 139:1-14 and Matthew 6:25-34. I'm important because the God who created all these trees, created me. I am here for the purpose of being a reflection of Love to all. Let that resonate. *the strangest things:part 1* This is a section dedicated to the ramblings of my father and I and our interactions with people and the observations noted along the way. ~"There are a lot of foreigners in Canada" - Dad "Um, dad.......we are foreigners...." ~Dad will have driven an entire years worth of miles in this trip alone! ~Rest stops are an American thing apparently because of the 1k miles we have driven, we have only passed 8....maybe. ~Golf courses on the other hand are EVERYWHERE with dad making note that "if we played a round at every course we have passed, it would take us 2 months to make this trip" ~it took nearly 1,100 miles for us to see our first fellow U.S. vehicle. ~Roundabout intersections are referred to as "Traffic Circles" ~Toast is called "Browned Bread" and for the encore! PICTURES!! Runners running a marathon on the Interstate!!! 26 miles of poking along at inching speeds. And the only Police we have see since the boarder. Beaverlodge Railroads without road blocks running straight through the interstate, streets frequently do this too. SKETCH! Washington Plates!!!! rustic toilets....Maybe I will have to write a poem and send it to Bob Ross! bear I will try to work on formatting these better. Much Love.

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