Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Driving: Day 5

After 2,777 miles through prairie, woods, mountains, city, deserted towns this girl has reached her destination! And as much fun as I have had riding the waves of frost heaves, enjoying free back rubs via loose gravel roads, and seeing more trees than I can count in a life time - I will gladly never drive that road again. :) Actually, dad said when I am ready to come home - he's shipping me back on the fairie and I can drive home from Seattle! Straight out of Tok we saw some of the most gorgeous mountain terrain capped with snow and many glaciers to boot, unfortunately my computer won't be hooked up to internet until tomorrow so pictures will have to come later, my apologies. Most of the pictures you have seen have been taken on the move - literally dad and I would sit with phones, camera and tablet in our laps ready to shoot anything that may appear. Today though was by far the best (10 hrs of driving = 10 hrs of picture taking)  as dad would be driving my arms would be crossing his with tablet in hand snapping photos out his window, or my arms stretched out in front of me taking pictures in various angles out the windshield. Not the safest strategy but more time efficient than stopping at every turn out. I wish we would have had someone to take pictures of us. As I write, dad is editing the hundreds of photos from today so be excited!

Arriving at camp today was like arriving at my home away from home - there is a level of comfort here. I walked through the doors of the cafeteria as everybody was getting food and was ambushed by friends I made 2 yrs ago. I was also rushed by 4 of my favorite children ever who I will be living with after camp ends.  Meals go like this: the camp director decides who gets to eat when, by birthday, gender, age, clothing color, etc. And tonight: "if you just arrived from Montana - go eat!" THANK YOU CRAIG!! I'll talk more about camp later. As I'm not sure if this post will go through with my 3G and 1 bar of cell service.
Much Love, Rachel.

*the strangest thing*
~ a man had his very own gas station set up in the bed of his truck #prepared #AlaskaHwySurvival101

~ Those learning to drive a semi are shammed with toting the "student driver" sign

~ I have a poll for you which I EXPECT responses to....while sitting at DQ in Palmer dad and I got into a discussion about how DQ cakes are made. One case stated that these tastey treats are made on location with soft serve ice cream while the other stated they where shipped in on the delivery truck...thoughts?


  1. I bet it depends on the size of the DQ :)

  2. My money is shipped in on a delivery truck

  3. I must say rachel, youve done a great job with this blog. It has inspired me a lot just reading this! Keep it up, youre making an impact on all who read this :) stay warm up there!
