Monday, June 10, 2013

Weekends of Wonder

Weekends at camp consist of breakfast, left overs and sack meals. Recreationally, staff trips to town, hikes, time on the lake and tourist trips are planned. Today is one of those days. The staff went on a hike and I, well went on a hike too but with the kitchen people. Hiking in Alaska means a few things: bring lots of water because if you are as out of shape as I am, water is your best friend. Regardless of weather, bring a jacket! The glacial winds will sneak up on you. Artillery is most important as Grizzlies are always a possibility, to the point of high probability. If you have a license, bring your rod or pole if you will be by a river or pond, opportunity is knocking at your door. DON'T FORGET THE DEET! Camera, and snacks optional but very encouraged.

HUGE Thanks to Mark for the awesome pack!! It works wonders for hiking, can't wait to fill it with fishing goodies!

The beauty from the trail.

The beauty of the trail.

Melissa and her Husband Eli :)

Fuller Lake.

Emily fishin' it up!

So anyways, I'm about as clumsy as I am easily frightened and on this glorious 70 degree day hike, upon reaching the lake my good friend Melissa and I decided to cross the dam to venture towards the mini jetty. I tested a log for its stability to bare my weight and when it didn't, my attempt to compensate was lacking causing me to slip on the soft muddy soil beneath my "anchor" into the water and the rest of me ate it. And Melissa was ready on queue to capture the picture of me being down for the count. 

Much Love.

1 comment:

  1. Ive got to ask, what is Emily fishing for in that picture? and does she have one on? looks like a tiny lil creek. BTW I am on front desk today so expect me to read your 26 posts, holy crap, 26! youve surpassed my total for sure
