Tuesday, June 18, 2013


paddled around in the lake tonight with Steph, the mom of the family I will be living with this fall and winter. it was fantastic. warm on top and increasingly cooler as the lake grew in depth. I will post a picture of the landscape as soon as I am able to capture one. it was very freeing, being one of two in a large lake surrounded by trees that served as a wall between that moment and the rest of the happenings around the camp. taking a break from the 80 degrees and mosquito attacks that have been constant these last few weeks was wonderful, so thankful for the escape. the sun is beginning its descend, beckoning campers and staff alike to turn in for the day, to wipe this one off the books. these are my two days off (mon/tues) and I use them to sleep in through breakfast, call friends and family in other places, go to town for coffee, spend a few on facebook and mostly roaming camp for something to do. today though I started filling out an application for the school district in town here to have a run at being a teacher's aid or substitute teaching. tomorrow will be much the same, hopefully getting my oil changed and a few other needs accomplished off the task list.

Prayer requests:
~I'm starting to get a cold, with the scratchy throat, dry cough, runny nose.
~That I will be a light to the staff and campers this summer as a cook.
~Employment this fall.

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